Global Play Day

Dear DCS Families,

On Wednesday, February 5th, our school will be participating in Global School Play Day (GSPD.) GSPD has been promoted by Psychology Today and is being celebrated at schools around the world. You can learn more about the benefits of unstructured play by visiting the official GSPD website:

We are inviting all of our students to bring in things to play with on this very special day.

Here are some examples of things your child may bring in (be sure your child’s name is clearly marked on all items):

● Non-Violent Toys (no weapons)

● Legos, blocks, cardboard boxes, etc.

● Dress-Up

● Puppets

● Stuffed Animals

● Board Games

● Puzzles no electronic devices

Though our play day will be unstructured, it will still be supervised by teachers. It is our hope that this one day of play will inspire families to plan for more unstructured playtime during non-school hours.

Sincerely, DCS Staff!